Mapping of community exposures for COVID-19 in Oslo – results of a case-control investigation.
Report from a project at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (in Norwegian)
Jeanette Stålcrantz, Elisabeth Henie Madslien, Christian Madsen, Bente Sørreime, Paweł Stefanoff.
[Kartlegging av smittesteder for covid-19 i Oslo - resultater fra en kasus-kontroll-undersøkelse]. Published by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, 2021.
A report summarizing results of a case control study to establish which activities were mostly contributing to COVID-19 transmission in Norway capital. The study was commissioned by Oslo Municipality to better target control measures. We prepared the study for a long time, mostly due to formal requirements related to data protection and ethical issues. By coincidence, we recruited cases and controls during the highest spread of alpha variant in Oslo, during weeks 10-12 of 2021.