Referrals for diagnosis of selected notifiable diseases during Covid-19 epidemic.
Report from a project at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (in Norwegian)
Andreas Rohringer, Elburg van Boetzelaer, Astrid Louise Løvlie, Paweł Stefanoff.
[Rekvisisjoner for laboratorieanalyser av utvalgte meldingspliktige sykdommer under covid-19 epidemien]. Published by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, 2021.
It´s the first report I prepared in Norwegian. Well, first Andreas (EUPHEM fellow in Norway) prepared a draft version of the report in English, then I revised it by improving the structure and finally native speakers proofread the report. It was especially important for me to highlight an educational message that collecting referrals for testing for pathogens under surveillance and test results (both positive and negative) is pivotal to understand surveillance function. The report summarizes a survey of laboratories on testing for key pathogens under surveillance during the COVID-19 crisis.