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Survey among MSIS users on their experience with reporting of notifiable diseases during the COVID-19 epidemic.
Report from a project at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (in Norwegian)
Elburg van Boetzelaer, Astrid Louise Løvlie, Erik Olsen, Paweł Stefanoff.
[Undersøkelse blant MSIS-brukere om deres erfaring med rapportering av meldingspliktige sykdommer under Covid-19-epidemien]. Published by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, 2021.
Elburg (EPIET fellow based in Norway) organised a survey of surveillance users investigating their experience with reporting notifiable diseases during the COVID-19 crisis. She prepared a report in English, which I translated into Norwegian. The text was further edited and correct by our co-authors (native speakers). The survey was part of a comprehensive evaluation of the Norwegian surveillance system (MSIS) during the largest crisis of our times.
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