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Abstract Lines

Spotlight on measles 2010: An epidemiological overview of measles outbreaks in Poland in relation to the measles elimination goal


Justyna Rogalska, Sabine Santibanez, Anette Mankertz, Agata Makówka, Leszek Szenborn, Paweł Stefanoff.


Euro Surveill 2010; 15: pii: 19549.

At the end of the first decade of the XXI century, Poland recorded increasing mealses incidence, following a decade of very low case numbers. Also, during that time we started to genotype measles strains from Polish samples at the WHO Reference Laboratory in Berlin. In this context, we decided to summarise surveillance of measles oubtreaks. This article was published in a special Eurosurveillance edition focused on measles surveillance, along with two other articles from our team! Also, this was my first article that ended up in ProMED-Mail the following day :)

2021 Paweł Stefanoff. All rights reserved.

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